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PowerPoint Sermons from PowerPointPastors.com give preachers a head start in sermon preparation.

Preparing quality PowerPoint sermons is tough enough, but add in midweek Bible studies, board meetings, counseling sessions, weddings, funerals, and a host of other interruptions—expected or unexpected—and the challenge becomes magnified. For many pastors, the task can seem almost impossible as they struggle to get everything ready on time for Sunday.

If that sounds familiar, you are not alone. Ultimately, God is faithful to provide you with the necessary grace and inspiration to fulfill your calling. Plus, there are tools available to help make your job just a bit easier.

That's where PowerPointPastors.com comes in. PowerPointPastors.com includes a growing library of Bible-based sermons with complete manuscripts, bulletin notes, and PowerPoint presentations. These can give you the head start you need in your sermon preparation.


List of Sermon Series    List of Stand-Alone Sermons

Membership grants you access to the complete library of sermons. You can take the sermons, adapt them as appropriate, and use them in your unique setting. While these resources do not replace your responsibility to rely on the Holy Spirit's guidance as you wrestle through the Scriptures yourself, they can be a valuable asset to your ministry.

PowerPointPastors.com includes over 300 sermons. At a membership cost of only $39.95, that's about 13 cents per sermon. Plus, your membership qualifies you for several bonus resources and significant discounts on other items in our store.

Sign up for a free one-week trial to evaluate the site. You can opt out anytime before the payment is processed. (Currently, we only accept payment through PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can set one up for free.)

You can also subscribe for free to receive emails containing the latest articles and updates about the most recent additions to the site. You can unsubscribe at any time without affecting your membership.

All the sermons on this site were written and presented by Greg Hanson in his local church. As a church planter, Greg is bivocational. Any profit from PowerPointPastors.com helps support his ministry. If you are in a similar situation and the cost of membership is restrictive for you, contact us and we'll see what we can do. First and foremost, Greg's hope is that these PowerPoint sermons will be a blessing to you and an aid to your ministry.


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Church Planters, bivocational pastors, students, missionaries, and pastors of churches averaging under 50: Save $10 by contacting us after signing up. Use "GIMMEABREAK" as your email subject line and we will refund $10. Be sure to use the email registered with us. Email must be received within seven days after your payment is processed.

PowerPointPastors.com is provided as a ministry for pastors/preachers, especially those in churches without large attendance or flexible budgets. Most resources on this site have been designed by Greg Hanson for use at Sunrise Wesleyan Church. While Greg maintains the copyright for original material, permission is granted for pastors to use and adapt these resources for use within their local church... just don't resell it.