Join PowerPointPastors.com to receive access to over 300 PowerPoint sermons and other resources ($39.95 USD). Free sample sermons here.Members of
PowerPointPastors.com can click
here to
purchase items on this page at up to
50% off. Payment for the
following items will be made
through PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can use a
credit card. Once payment is
received, you will be sent a link where you can download the
appropriate file(s). Please allow 24 hours, although the response is
usually much quicker (usually within 2-3 hours). Answering Objections Volume 1 -
Answering Objections to the Bible Answering Objections
is a planned five-volume set. Future volumes will focus on objections
to Jesus (February 2012), to the Resurrection (March 2012), to the
Existence of God (September 2012), and to the Church (January 2013).
This first volume, Answering
Objections to the Bible, responds to twelve common
arguments raised against the Christian Scriptures.
$7.95 Who Is Jesus?
Discovering the Man, the Message, and the Mission Based
on Greg Hanson's popular
"Who Is Jesus?" message series, this
ebook will help you understand who
Jesus is and why He matters. Topics covered include the humanity and
divinity of Jesus, his crucifixion and resurrection, his parables, and
much more. It looks at history, theology, and common views of Jesus
today. (You can read a sample
Price: $10.95 Spiritual Gift
Discovery This Spiritual Gift Discovery
is designed to help you better understand how God has equipped you to
serve in areas of ministry where you will be effective and
fulfilled. You will be asked to
read 88 statements and identify how accurately each describes you. You
then compile your responses onto an answer grid, total the rows, and
discover which gifts appear to be present in you. While
recognizing that there are differences of opinion regarding
certain spiritual gifts, this questionnaire approaches spiritual gifts
from a Wesleyan-Arminian viewpoint. For example, the gift of tongues
(or languages) is defined as "the God-given ability to speak in a
language others understand but the speaker has never learned." If that
does not fit your own understanding, then you are free to edit the
definition and the relevant questions.
(all prices USD)
Article Collections As a freelance writer, Greg
Hanson has provided articles to be used by a variety of clients. To
make it affordable for churches, Greg has made available collections of
25 articles for only
$24.95. (A
value of over $400!) These can be used as a supplement to the message,
as a catalyst for a small group discussion, or as a freebie at an
Information Table. Most of the articles
in these collections deal with Christian living and/or theology. There
are also a few
articles that teach Biblical values but are not overtly
"Christian." You can preview
sample articles by following the active links in the list below. (These
previews are locked to prevent
printing or copying.) Value:
$400.00 Value:
$400.00 Purchase
Collections 1 and 2 together for greater savings!
Who Wants
to Win a
Eclair? This
game is based on the TV
show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." It is a fun variation of the game
designed for use in social gatherings. Of course, the winners win a
chocolate eclair. (Sorry... the eclairs are not provided.) You can
decide what "parting gifts," if anything, participants who do not win
The zipped file
includes seven games, with eight levels per game. It runs in
PowerPoint, and operates through the use of hyperlinks indicating if
the answer was correct or wrong. There is also an HTML
file containing detailed instructions on how to use the game and how to
customize the questions. Plus, there is a sample PowerPoint file to use
as a
walk-through for the audience / participants.
Who Wants to Win a Chocolate Eclair?
Who Wants
To Be A
Missionary? A variation of
"Who Wants ot Win a Chocolate Eclair?" This game contains the same
questions, but the "eclair" graphics have been
changed to "missionary" graphics. This version was originally designed
to promote short-term mission trips and raise funds.
Who Wants To Be A Missionary?
Who Wants to Win a Chocolate Eclair / Be a Missionary Combo Pack The Penn
of Denn
Since 1995, Denn Guptill has
been writing a weekly column. This column looks at current and personal
events and relates them to the Christian believer's daily
life. Many
of these columns have been compiled and published in The World through Denn Coloured
Glasses, volume 1 of a planned trilogy. Subjects
as diverse as spring snowstorms to the death of Princess Di are
covered, sometimes from a humorous perspective and sometimes from a
provocative perspective. There are times they invoke a chuckle, and
other times they wander past the boundaries of political correctness.
But they never fail to provoke thought. To purchase
PayPal, use the links below. Once payment is received, your book will
be mailed to you. Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. Price is $19.99 USD plus
shipping (included in prices below). |