PowerPointPastors.com provides sermons with PowerPoint and other resources for pastors.PowerPointPastors.com is operated by Greg Hanson, the pastor of Sunrise Wesleyan Church in Prince Edward, Island, Canada. Sunrise is a church plant, and this site helps support Greg and his ministry there.The messages on this site were originally preached by Greg at Sunrise. Without compromising Scripture, Greg aims to present the Word of God in understandable, relevant terms. Greg is an ordained minister in the Wesleyan Church (an evangelical, Protestant holiness denomination in the Wesleyan-Arminian tradition). His formal theological training took place at Bethany Bible College in Sussex, NB, a school noted for its emphasis on practical, hands-on training. Greg and his wife (Shera) were married in 1998. They have been partners in ministry and in life ever since. Their first son (Nathaniel) was born on February 8, 2008. Their second son (Noah) was born on November 4, 2009. |
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