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PowerPoint Sermons from PowerPointPastors.com give preachers a head start.

On this site, you will find sermons with PowerPoint plus a few other resources for pastors. Take and use what you can, adapting it for your own setting. Content is added regularly, so check back often.

These messages are NOT intended to be downloaded and used "as is." They may give you a head start, but you will still need to invest some time and effort. Here's how you can best make use of this site:
  • Preview the desired message online.
  • Download the files onto your own computer.
  • Pray for God's direction and inspiration.
  • Evaluate if the message is consistent with your understanding of Scripture.
  • Rework the message to make it your own.
    • Make it reflect your own doctrinal distinctives.
    • Delete sections that are not relevant for your situation.
    • Insert your own personal illustrations.
    • Add or subtract content to fit your allotted time.
  • Update PowerPoint to fit your revisions.
  • Change any fonts that may be missing on your computer.
  • Update and print the the bulletin insert notes.

Important: Be sure to change the pastor's name, the name of the church, and the date on all printed material. Double check. (That could be embarrassing!)

Enjoy, and may God bless your ministry.
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PowerPointPastors.com is provided as a ministry for pastors/preachers, especially those in churches without large attendance or flexible budgets. Most resources on this site have been designed by Greg Hanson for use at Sunrise Wesleyan Church. While Greg maintains the copyright for original material, permission is granted for pastors to use and adapt these resources for use within their local church... just don't resell it.