Sermon Series available from (If you are a member and signed in, click here to access these sermon series.)
- A Hollywood Christmas
- A New Day
- Advent Conspiracy
- Answering Objections
- Angels & Demons
- Bible 101
- Canadian Idols
- Choosing to Cheat
- CSI: Jerusalem
- Connecting with God
- The DaVinci Inquest
- Disappointment With God
- Don't Check Your Brains at the Door
- End of Days
- Extreme Makeover: Soul Edition
- The Faith: What Christians Believe, Why They Believe It, and Why It Matters
- Finding Freedom
- Finding God In Narnia
- Get Real
- God On Film
- The Gospel According to Star Wars
- The Greatest Sermon In History
- Habits of Spiritual Growth
- Holistic
- The Holy Spirit
- It's Your Serve
- Lessons of Courage from the Old Testament
- The Life You Were Meant to Live
- Living @ Ease in an Uneasy World
- Making This Christmas Count
- Managing Money God's Way
- The Nativity Story
- The Prayer of Jesus
- The Reality Series
- Riding the Wave of Change
- Running On Empty
- Staying Afloat in the Storms of Life
- Stressed Out
- Survivor
- We Are Family
- Weird Things Christians Do
- What Would Jesus Say To...
- When Money Is Tight and Times are Tough
- Who Is Jesus?
- Witness Relocation Project
- Worship Is...
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